“That making a breakthrough takes effort.”

“How to stir a school.”

“That you never stop learning.”

“That’s what teaching taught me.”

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What teaching taught them

Nadia Farooq smiling in a science classroom

Nadia Farooq West Calder High School


"I don't know who learns more...they're teaching me things about myself that I didn't know."

Alasdair MacPhee

Alasdair Mac a’ Phì Tidsear Bun-sgoil tro Mheadhan na Gaidhlig, Bun-sgoil Chnoc a’ Chonaisg


"Bha mi ag obair le tidsear bho chionn fhada a bhiodh ag ràdh tric gur e an tidsear an goireas as fheàrr a th’ againn gus ar cànan a chumail beò. Bidh mi a’ smaoineachadh air na briathran aice bho àm gu àm agus tha sin gam chumail ceart! ’S e tidsearan de dh’àrd chàileachd ann an seòmar-sgoile Gàidhlig a bhios a’ toirt buaidh shàr-mhath air adhartas nan sgoilearan."

Alasdair MacPhee

Alasdair MacPhee Gaelic medium primary teacher, Bun-sgoil Chnoc a’ Chonaisg (Whinhill Primary School)


"I once worked with a teacher who said that the teacher was the absolutely best resource we had for keeping Gaelic alive. I think about her words often to keep myself going! Teachers of the highest quality in the Gaelic classroom have an incredibly positive impact upon pupils’ attainment."

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Primary teaching

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