Teachers Talk Teaching


A great way to find out more about a career in teaching is to hear from already qualified teachers. Only they can share their personal highlights, along with the challenges and surprises that emerge working with young people each day.

We spoke to teachers from across Scotland and asked them to share their thoughts on teaching: what advice would they give to prospective teachers? What is their favourite part of the job?

Natalie Finlayson is a Biology teacher in Edinburgh. She believes that one of the most important things to demonstrate in the classroom is enthusiasm. “When the pupils see how passionate you are then they start to care too.” Discover more of what Natalie had to say here.

Chemistry teacher, Stuart McDonald, thinks the best thing about being a teacher are those ‘lightbulb moments’. “When a kid understands something thoroughly you can tell. That’s a day you go home happy.” See more of Stuart’s thoughts on teaching here.

The TesWorld YouTube channel has footage of teachers from across the UK talking candidly about their job. Funny and honest, it’s a great place to go for the real scoop on being a teacher.

You can find more insights from teachers working in Scotland here, and click here for information on becoming a teacher in Scotland.